Meet me at the midnight’s door

2 min readMay 18, 2019


Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash

Halfway through the cold of December,
Dusts gathered old memories alive,
Discreet shame silent in between.
Carried within its embrace,
A pair of bloodied fates stranded lifeless in miles of ages.
Before the hour hand ticked midnight,
Touching glances long drowned in blindness
Opened visions to a broken past.

There, locked within moment of humiliation,
Our figures bled traces of beauty
Dried across land of decayed skins.

Your body smelled roses’ sincerity,
But deep red stained bright, deep red labelled scars visible.
Voicing courage amid crowd of madness,
For our promises ground down by twist of fate
Caught your descend in hands of flame.

But courage didn’t last.
It’s count down hastened before bloodshot eyes.
Free fall of reality rode destiny down the lane of doom
Bringing with it a sense of shame and took you away from me.

Beloved beauty scrambled for silence of pain,
Ended with grimaces whispering, “Why did you let go?”
Deep red burned, deep red numbed.
Our bloodied fates crisscrossed broken line.
Never supposed to touch again,
But seconds before the hour hand ticked midnight,
They finally reconnected through memory of nightmare.
We relived the tragedy that separated us,
With remorse tasting bittersweet,
Never justifiable when alive, but dear to us when dead.




Written by TTziWS (ZiZiWS)

Digital artist and writer. Write prose and embed emotion in between vividly dark beautiful lines. Finding ways to connect with the wounded hearts.

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