
Jun 30, 2021

Skyline showered down drizzle of broken fates

Photo by Rui Xu on Unsplash

Skyline showered down drizzle of broken fates,
All in one wave manifested aeons of karmic bonds.
Nostalgia tilted back over the shadowed curtain,
Drenched in bleached memories of censored sixth sense.
The stain stripped off colors that spelled bound the illusionary innocence.

Nothing last, nothing long…
In silencing breath, footing dissolved in cosmic law.
When everything unbound,
Feeling cross cut its limit against the turning wheel of nature.
Destiny will spill over a timeless space.
That is where you find Nirvana




Digital artist and writer. Write prose and embed emotion in between vividly dark beautiful lines. Finding ways to connect with the wounded hearts.